Horseback Riding & The Character Traits That Matter

By Robin Setser

It's easy to see that horseback riding takes work. You're not going to be good at it to begin with, but you'll be able to grow into the role in due time. In order to make this endeavor easier for you, there are certain characteristics that are needed, each one with substantial value. For those that are looking to get into this sport, but may be curious as to how it can be made easier, here are some of the characteristics in question that you should be aware of.

One of the most important qualities that horseback riders should have, according to companies like Assisi Animal Health, is respect. Horses are more intuitive than we give them credit for, meaning that they will be able to determine if they're being treated well. When you build a relationship with your horse, treating them well by feeding and brushing them, they will be more likely to listen to your commands when riding. Simply put, respect goes a long way in horseback riding.

Another character trait to keep in mind, as far as horseback riding is concerned, is an understanding of posture. No one that rides a horse, either professionally or for run, will do so while slouching. Instead, they sit strongly on the animal, their back and shoulders perfectly straight. Not only does this promote good posture in real life, but it grants more control during horseback riding. This is one of the more overlooked traits that deserves more attention.

Lastly, a horseback rider should have a strong love and appreciation for animals in general. Not only does this ensure that a horse stays healthy, but it can also result in continued ambition for riders. When riders are motivated, they're more likely to race, improving different facets of their game every step of the way. Without the aforementioned love and appreciation in place, this sport becomes less of a passion and more of a chore.

Anyone that's looking to become a horseback rider should be aware of the work that goes into the learning process. While it takes time and effort to become competent, you can take your skill set further with the right character traits. Everything from how you sit to the appreciation you have for animals will go a long way. There are other traits to be mindful of, but the collective importance that these hold is tough to deny.

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