Things To Consider Before Buying King Charles Cavalier Puppies For Sale Ohio

By Donald Hughes

At this very moment you may be in the market searching for a pet dog as a new or replacement companion. In conversations with your friends you may have discussed the possibilities of responding to a King Charles Cavalier puppies for sale Ohio sign that you saw earlier. Before you do pick up the phone or visit the place for a purchase of a new puppy, do try to learn more about the breed itself by reading on further in this article.

This dog is one that is very playful and quite small, and thus it has been classified as a sporting toy. It is a dog that loves to be on your lap and cuddle up to you, and also love to snuggle on soft pillows and mounds of blankets.

The breed is classified as a sporting dog for a reason, and this is because it is quite athletic despite its quite small size. It is a must that it be kept on a leash or fenced yard when it is outdoors, for it does have the tendency to chase things that it sees, whether it be small animals like squirrels or low flying birds and even butterflies. It has no compunction whatever in chasing down whatever it likes across the road or even further.

Being highly dependent on human closeness and companionship, this dog is one that will tend to suffer from separation anxiety. It will tend to whine and will chew things destructively when it is left alone for too long. Do not commit to this dog if you cannot commit a fair amount of time with it.

These dogs are fairly easy to train as long as they respect you, so you may have to exhibit some alpha male behavior and be a bit strict on it sometimes. However, they are willing to please and will always respond to cheerful and playful training.

In terms of grooming, its long and fairly silky fur must be brushed at least once a week as it is prone to matting. It is also very important to note that this breed may not be the one for you if you suffer from any canine allergies, as the fur is not known to be hypoallergenic in any way. Be sure that the fur is also trimmed regularly for hygiene purposes, especially around the rump area.

The breed has a fairly short lifespan averaging only 9 to 14 years at most. It will also tend to suffer from an inherited neurological disorder called syringomyelia and also heart disease. It will also be prone to epilepsy and joint and eye complications as age progresses. Be prepared for a lot of veterinary visits when taking on this breed.

This article has shown some basic considerations and facts that you need to consider when taking on this particular breed. Do look at other factors about this dog when doing your research prior to making a final commitment and purchase.

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