Simple Tips For Nashville Kayak Beginners

By Daniel Scott

It is a great idea to have a weekend sport. Kayaking is one of the activities you could partake in during your free time. It is engaging, and the adrenaline rush is great. However, you need to take caution before you take your boat into the water. The tips below can help any Nashville kayak beginner be safe in the river.

First, get some lessons. Do not assume that because you can paddle a boat, then there is nothing you cannot handle. While it is not rocket science, you need some coaching to be able to paddle correctly. This will ensure you waste less time and energy and avoid problems such as capsizing.

Use appropriate dressing. You may come out one summer morning and decide that the weather is just okay for shorts or some light clothing. Well, do not get into the waters dressed in such clothing. Instead, have some waterproof cagoule and a wet-suit. Also, remember to have some kayaking gloves on. This will protect your hands and add grip.

Pick the best boat for your activity. Kayaking watercraft come in a range of types. You can have the simple squat freestyle play-boats or the narrow racing boats, depending on your interests and usage. All in all, choose a craft that is comfortable enough and has adequate space.

Ensure you have a buoyancy aid. This is an essential equipment for any kayaker regardless of the level of experience. The kit is more like a life jacket but the difference is in the fit: they are not tight around the arms and neck to allow free movement.

Ensure that you are properly positioned when kayaking. You need to be comfortable when paddling. The recommended position is to sit straight with your legs at ninety degrees to your body. Hence, slouching is advised against. Place your legs on the foot pegs so that your toes face outwards. This enables your heels to face forward.

Learn how to hold the paddle the right way. You need to be comfortable but also safe. You can hold the paddle in a way that feels comfortable, but if that is not the right way, you will use too much energy. Your shoulders should be properly positioned and the concave section of the paddles directed towards your body.

Have some change of clothes. This is something many people never consider. Never assume you are not going to get wet as accidents can happen. If you fall in the water and the weather is dull, you may be stuck in wet clothes the whole day.

Learn rescue procedures. You should be able to save yourself and those in the boat if need be. Hence, you need to be equipped with the right techniques. Also, learn how to roll the boat over easily if it capsizes.

Always avoid kayaking alone. Even if you are experienced, always have at least one other person. An extra hand will prove helpful.

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